corn + haloumi zucchini fritters

The perfect protein rich breakfast or balanced snack.

All you need
4 zucchini’s [grated]
250g haloumi [grated]
5 eggs
400g corn
1/2 cup almond meal
Salt & pepper

It’s simple
01. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius and line 2 baking trays with baking paper.
02. Grate zucchini ensuring to squeeze out all the extra juices.
03. Combine grated haloumi, eggs, corn, almond meal and season to your liking. Stir until combined.
04. Using your hands combine mixture into fritters to your desired size. Once all the mixture has been utilised place in preheated oven.
05. Cook for 40 minutes [flipping fritters over half way] allow to cool and serve as desired.


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